Monday, June 29, 2009

Please help me to understand...

I had seven girls here last night for a birthday sleepover. I cleaned the house, purchased copious amounts of food, baked a cake, prepared the food, set a special table for the girls in the living room, served the food, cleaned up, laid out pastries and donuts, etc. for breakfast.

Not one, single, solitary "thank you" crossed the lips of any of the seven girls. I heard demands like, "I need a fork," and three of the girls actually ignored a question of mine; they simply turned and walked away.

Now, thankfully, they are being picked up by their parents. Yet again, no word of thanks nor any sign of gratitude.

Is this what they do now? 'Cause I don't like it. Not one bit.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I used to be a part-time stepmom/parent-type person. Now, that job is full-time. Am I ready? Nope. Scared? Uhhhhh...ya.

I know, in my head, that there is a reason I'm here. A purpose for which my entire life up to now has been preparing me. Really...I do know. The rest of me just hasn't caught up yet.

Gotta have an easy year coming up here soon.
