Monday, April 21, 2008

A Healthier Ann - Day 1

Angie Dunn (uber-cute, talented, inspirational scrapbooker) has started a new blog dedicated to living a healthier life. She has invited us to join, take up the "challenge," and track our progress. We all know I've been down this weight loss journey before. Remember the 75 lbs I lost? Well, 30 decided to come back and visit...and they're staying on my butt.

So, to keep myself honest, I'll be writing about my progress (and certain setbacks--aka chips and salsa) over the next 3 months. The goal? Of course, to get rid of those pesky pounds and eat healthier...maybe drink a little water now and then instead of Diet Coke, but I also plan to make exercise a habit again. It feels good. I stand up a little straighter; I walk with more confidence; I feel like I'm becoming the person I WANT to be, the one my family DESERVES, when I take care of myself.

Plus, I'm gettin' damn tired of sucking it in all the time.

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