Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When is "good enough," good enough?

I've been thinking about this a lot, wondering if my "if you're not early, you're late" mentality has become crippling.

Have our expectations changed so much that doing what you're supposed to do most of the time, just passing your classes, sometimes being on time is the new standard? What do we do when our children go into the workforce and cannot hold a position because they think that work is supposed to be fun all the time? That they should be rewarded for just showing up?

I've been holding off on posting for a while because I've been contemplating this idea, speculating that, perhaps, as I've heard a number of times in my life, that I need to "let things go," "look at what they DID do." Being a Negative Nancy is not who I am. I know that for a fact, so I kept assuming that this would pass.

It hasn't.

My teachers and parents had pretty high expectations, and achievement 50% of the time was not good enough. Not for them and not for me. So, what has changed? Can we explain it away by saying that it is a Millenial thing? Deterioration of the family? Pulling away from church?

I'm stumped.


Vickie said...

The world is going to hell in a handbasket - have some fried pickles and a diet coke friend.
Seriously the generation up and coming has different ideas and I agree with you on this issue.

Annie said...

Oh, for the LOVE! If only I COULD find some fried pickles here! I would SO be on it. :)

I need to craft and eat and visit with girls...maybe the HKS class I'm taking this weekend will pump me up.

XOXO Annie