Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thankful: Issue No. 1 (long...gotta catch up!)

I KNOW I need to be conscious of the truly wonderful aspects of my life. I tend to look at what is wrong...what I do wrong far too often. Focusing on the positives and recording the thoughts attached to those events, people, things adds energy to our lives and serves as a reminder of what's really important--the big and little things. So, to that end, here begins my daily record of gratitude (in no particular order):
1. Scrapbooking - The "Soul Sisters" I have met through this hobby are the most amazing women. I admire their talent (OBVIOUSLY), but more than that, I really, really love being with them; I admire their devotion to their husbands and children, their wisdom about life, their ability to see the silver lining. Lori, Vickie, Jackie, Zefa, Janice, Sara, Angie, Em, Heidi...I'm thrilled that our crafty hearts found one another.

2. Diet Coke.

3. Close hiking trails - I'm so glad I can exercise close to home and get some outdoor time to clear my head...and my arteries! :) The cooler weather is setting in, and it feels so great to get out in the brisk morning air on the weekends.

4. Sushi - Splurge-worthy in the world of WW.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

I am thankful to know you annie, you are a good egg. Wish I could scrap with you and your soul sistas.