Sunday, March 22, 2009

I love scrapbooking.

Like, I seriously love it. I need to do it, kinda like exercise, I guess. My dear, fabulous, wonderful friends, Lori, Sara, and Jackie scrapbooked with me last night at SE. We had the best time--ate dinner at Cafe Rio...for which Lori and I suffered tremendously...and therefore so did everyone else. :) We talked and laughed, and I hated, hated, hated saying good bye.

Now, did I get a lot done? Naw. Only made three cards and kitted a one, but that's not really what it's all about anyway, right? Just setting aside the time to hang out with these girls, talk, drink Diet Coke, (maybe toot a little), and push around some patterned paper is worth the price of admission.

Have a great "last day of Spring Break!"


Jackie said...

I can vouch for myself ------ I got nothing done!!!! I did manage to buy some stuff!!

But it was the best evening I have had in soooooooo long.

Can't wait until April to go to Tucson!!

Vickie said...

What do you mean toot a little?
I know for a fact that you and Lori tooted ALOT! Wish I could have been there and pushed the patterned paper with you gals. Take care.

Hezstone said...

Sorry to have missed you! Yet maybe I am not...(toot)...xx