Thursday, February 7, 2008

How "normal" are you?

Here's a funny little quiz. Apparently, I'm only half normal.

You Are Fairly Normal
You scored 50% normal on this quiz

Like most people you are normal in some ways...
But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!

Why You Are Normal:

If you had to, you rather live without music and still have laughter

You think glasses can make someone more attractive

You eat the frosting first

You'd rather be screwed over than screw someone else over

You prefer a good meal to a good nap

Why You Aren't Normal:

You'd rather have cockroaches than rats in your home

When you're in a car, you prefer to be the passenger

You prefer your family to your friends

You would rather be a movie star than an astronaut

You are no longer with your first love


Jackie said...

Sheesh, I scored 60%!! I am thinking I don't like that quiz. Just joking!! Can't wait to see you soon!

Annie said...

How in the world did you turn out more normal than I?! hehehe


angiedunn said...

You are fairly normal...haha...that make me laugh! I am {kinda} scared to take this quiz!

Your Saturday projects are SO cute...that planter thing hasta be the funnest thing I've seen all week!

Good to see ya the other night!