Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We dashed through Target tonight to get "necessities" (does anyone EVER just get necessities at Target?!) and the kids needed to stop at the Halloween costumes. Good gracious, the selection is interesting. Now, my friends, I have never in my entire life purchased a costume for Halloween. When little Susie and Annie were growing up, we begged for store-bought costumes; however, we were, according to mom, "far too creative and smart" for that, so we had the "opportunity" to make them.

The lead-in here might make you think that you were getting a story about an awesome costume I made and the realization that I had created something totally cool and was the envy of every kid in Glendale.

Nope. My costumes were LAME-O. Seriously.

And as I heard my mother's words about creativity and intelligence escape my lips as I said "no" to a rather slutty cat costume, I bit my tongue...and told the youngsters that Dad would LOVE to take them costume shopping.


Vickie said...

You are getting the hang of this mom thing! Great answer!

Lori Villarreal said...

Good Job!
Now arent you glad your mom told you and susie that ? Look how creative you became. Love ya