Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ow. Pusch Peak and Motherhood

I'm a hiker, and I really love it. It is an enjoyable type of physical activity--you're outdoors, you can set your own pace, get some nice vitamin D from the sun. Lots of positives. I and my darling, precious husband "hiked" (really "climbed") Pusch Peak on Sunday. The reason it's taken me so long to post is that today is the first day I can actually lift my arms high enough to reach the keyboard. :)

Did I love THIS particular hike? Not really, but I did it, and IT WAS HARD. The thing that strikes me about it is that there was no doubt in Scott's mind that I COULD do it. He was completely confident in my ability to make it to the top...despite my obvious struggle to get there. The summit was an accomplishment, though the journey was filled with cacti, skree, huge boulders to climb--lots of challenges. We made it because we worked together. He was patient, and I asked for help.

I have to look at my stepmom/mom situation in the same way. Scott is completely confident that I can do this...despite my obvious struggles. No question about it. I, on the other hand, second-guess myself at every turn. He is patient, yet I allow the "cacti, skree, and boulders" of everyday life get in the way of my confidence. Asking for help is not in my nature; I always feel like I'm admitting defeat or highlighting a flaw in my character if I can't do something I've set out to do. My life at home feels foreign. It shouldn't feel that way, right? I'm a teacher. I am, after all, with kids day in and day out. My job is comprised of building relationships and communicating, so what's with the EVERY DAY struggle in my own family?

I know we'll get there together. Scott is my other half--a slightly messier other half, but still! :) Just like our hike, the journey may not be the funnest, but the peak will certainly be an accomplishment.

1 comment:

Justus said...

Annie you are so wise and you don't even know it! You are a great example to me and I love you!
Vickie Fitzsimmons signed in as Justus, my youngest offspring