Monday, February 2, 2009

This is really good...

“Your life is an occasion; rise to it.”
—Mr. Magorium, as played by Dustin Hoffman in Mr. Magorium
I get a nice little email on a (nearly) daily basis from The Foundation for a Better Life. I've been writing these quotes on the board in my classroom as they show up...more for my own benefit than anything. It's nice to keep something positive in my line of sight some days, you know? :) Well, it looks like the kids pay attention to them, too. We had a really good talk in 1st period today about making this a priority. We all (even 15 year olds) get bogged down in our obligations and responsibilities and forget how truly lucky we are. We think that we are defeated far too often. The kids realized that we can make our lives what we want them to be, what we dream them to be...what we deserve. I didn't hear about this boyfriend, or her iPod, or that one's car, or getting wasted. They know that they are capable of more and worthy of more.
It was a good day in English 10.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

You will never know all the lives you touch through teaching. I'm sure there are more than you can imagine. Keep up the good work.